Who is a
Green Suitcase Traveler

A GST traveler is someone who enjoys handcrafted experiences and approaches their travels from a place of adventure, curiosity, and a desire to better understand themselves and the world. They are conscious that their interactions can influence their environment and the people they connect with.

Sustainable travel is more than making “eco-friendly” choices. It’s a big part of what we do and it’s not the whole story. It’s about preserving the culture, people, and resources of a place; for present and future generations. Having the most authentic experience you can, while also being mindful in the way you move through the world. Sometimes that means making small choices, like carrying a water bottle vs. buying one. Other times, it’s about selecting tour operators who are protecting the wildlife vs. harming it. Green Suitcase Travel is here to take the stress out of figuring these things out for you and send you on your way to a life-changing vacation!

The Pilgrim

You look for the philosophical, spiritual, or deeper understanding of life when you travel. Walking the Camino de Santiago or visiting Tirta Empul is high on your list. You always look into the cultural customs of a place and want to learn as much as you can from their practices. While yoga and meditation retreats are right up your alley, you also view having a cup of tea and conversing with locals as a form of expansion. You like it slow and thoughtful. Transformation is key. You might enjoy a three hour trek across an island to see the sunset or a sacred night observing the beauty of the whirling dervish.

The Wanderer

No plans? No problem. Drop these globetrotters off anywhere in the world and you will figure it out. Going with the flow has never been an issue and you would rather wake up and let instinct lead you than follow a set itinerary. Some people think of you as a lone-wolf type that will stray from a group. Don’t worry too much, though, they know you’ll come back after you’ve had your Turkish coffee grounds read in a back alleyway of the Grand Bazaar.

The Cosmopolitan

Where are the fripperies? This gal/guy can navigate a city without looking at a map. You seek out the best farm-to-table restaurants, know where the hottest sustainable fashion shops are, and are always on the lookout for the latest cultural event. One day you are at the Louvre, and the next you are at a rave in Berlin. The city is your true love and you draw your energy from a fast pace environment.

The Adventurist

While others are lying on the beach, this traveler is being strapped up to a hang-glider, flying off into the sunset. Living outside of your comfort zone is a must and you are always looking to push limits. You like to get the adrenaline pumping and live for experiences that allow you to see nature untouched and raw. You think mother earth is to be respected and look for experiences that allow you to enjoy the beauty she offers, whilst also protecting it.

The Giver

Stop by the local animal shelter and you’ll see a “giver” offering to walk the dogs on the beach, during their vacation.You look for ways to be part of authentic community programs. You understand that you are part of the problem and the solution when it comes to the environment. You look for ways to be of service and are quick to connect with the local NGO’s in the area you are traveling to in order to find out how you can help. One day you are rehabilitating a marine ecosystem and the next you are helping to a build a home for a family in need.

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